

Common Treatments


An overbite occurs when your top front teeth extend beyond your bottom front teeth. Many people have a slight overbite, however a more severe one can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, or jaw pain. You can help prevent children from developing an overbite by limiting thumb sucking and pacifier use.


An underbite occurs when your lower front teeth extend beyond your top front teeth. Usually this is a result of a misaligned jaw. Underbites can cause you to have trouble speaking properly and make your teeth more prone to chipping.


A crossbite is where the upper teeth fit inside the lower teeth. These can be caused by either tooth position, jaw position, or a combination of both. Crossbites can cause jaw growth problems in growing children and teens as well as make your teeth more prone to chipping.

Crooked Teeth

Crooked or crowded teeth are very common. This occurs when your teeth have competed for space in the mouth and have grown in improperly, causing teeth to be twisted and misaligned. Crowded teeth make it harder to clean all of the tooth surfaces which can lead to cavities, gum disease, and trouble chewing or biting.

Open Bite

An open bite occurs when your top teeth and bottom teeth don't touch each other when the mouth is fully closed, showing an opening between them. Open bites can occur in the front or back of your mouth. These can be caused by genetics or bad oral habits like thumb sucking, and can lead to speech impediments, problems chewing or biting, and even sleep difficulties.

Gap teeth

Gaps in the teeth can form anywhere in the mouth, but are most commonly noticed between your two front teeth. Genetics, jaw size, and even bad oral habits like thumb sucking can play a role in how these form. With gapped teeth, you may experience speech impediments as well as low self-confidence.